
no one's listening to the sound of breaking down

i've finally found some time to get around to go through a bunch more photos from the summer, so expect a few updates to roll in real soon.

earlier this summer we piled back into the van for a short run of shows in southern ontario and through the states, taking us out to winnipeg for a festival, and back through the states. one thing that is an absolute must when touring in a van, aside from sleeping on the floor and waking up with cramps, is breaking down. we got a stones throw from the "welcome to windsor" sign (windsor being where the show was that day) to realize that our alternator wasn't charging our battery while driving. we ended up getting picked up by the sinners, making the show, and having the van fixed before the show was done so we didn't have to be stuck in windsor for the night.

here are some roadside photos, click on em to make em bigger.

1 comment:

Bahia. said...

What ccamera did you use in these pics? That colors are really beautiful!!!!