

hi friends,
i am writing this from lima peru!
south america has been a great experience so far, and i have taken tons of photos that i plan to post asap.

before i left for this tour i decided to bust out my holga camera and some extremely expired kodak tmax 400 120 film, and take a test roll around the apartment.

i know it's pretty lame to post a lot of photos, but here's the whole roll.

352 & 1/2 in twelve photos:


riki.kay said...

common, give it a rest.
not lame at all...

Trobis said...

Hi man! The photos are great! Film rules and your digital photos are good, I like the photos that represents the day to day.

See you!

PD. Liam Cancer Bats honest person!, I play in a band of Zaragoza (spain) and we played recently. We play with Cancer Bats and we were treated very well.
It's always good to play with big bands of honest people.

Unknown said...

i love how youre representing the 352 cause you know thats my area code and how kids refer to this boring ass slow town

chanxxx said...

totally random and off topic but you should check out Dan Auerbachs solo record. Its called Keep It Hid. Record of 09 so far.